Monday, September 21, 2009


There are so many Realtors® out there, how do you choose the one
that’s right for you? The key to getting the best agent is to select one with
the right mix of knowledge, skills and personality. Here are my top five
ways to know if you have chosen the wrong agent.

Reason #5: Your agent isn’t Internet savvy. While full-service
brokerages make buying or selling a home easier and more cost effective,
the Internet is an important weapon in a marketing arsenal. Most firms
have a home searching tool on their website so buyers can easily look
for homes with the specific characteristics they are interested in. Many
websites will even notify agents and clients when a home matching those
characteristics goes on the market. If your agent isn’t using the Internet as
a primary search tool, it may be time to find a new one.

Reason #4: You’re so stressed out that you feel like you should get the commission, not your agent. There’s no way to avoid a certain amount of anxiety when it comes to buying and selling a house, but a good Realtor can make the experience much less stressful. The right agent will use his or her skills and expertise to take care of the many nagging details and help make the transaction as smooth as possible. As your go-to person, your agent should be returning your phone calls and e-mails thoroughly and promptly. Relieve yourself of the added stress if your agent isn’t doing all they can to make your life easier.

Reason #3: Your new agent asks for directions to your town. Like politics, all real estate is local. It’s important to choose an agent who knows your city and neighborhood inside and out. If you’re buying a home, your agent should be able to tell you about the schools, local services and attractions, and even what other homes in the neighborhood have sold for. When it comes time to sell, pay attention to the for sale signs in your neighborhood. Are you seeing the same
agent’s face or name over and over again? If so, that’s likely the person to go to.

Reason #2: When you ask your agent how he plans to market your home, he responds, “This baby will practically sell itself!” The fact is, homes do not sell themselves – or at least not typically for the best price. Gone are the days when multiple offers came in within a day or two of a home going on the market. These days, agents must have extensive marketing strategies. A good agent’s marketing plan will include all possible channels to sell your home; ads, open houses, the Internet, etc. They may also think outside the box and include creative tools such as “staging” which is the process of spending a little money to improve the overall appearance of the home, which may pay off many times over in the sale price. In the end, if your agent truly has your best interest in mind, you’ll see it in their marketing plan.

And the number 1 reason you know you’ve picked the wrong agent: She dropped off her card at your house and you hired her on the spot. Like any other major decision in your life,you have to do your homework before selecting a Realtor. Ask friends, family members and neighbors – anyone you know – if they can recommend a good agent. Take the time to interview two or three agents and be sure to call thir references. This is a decision that will affect your future for years to come.

If you’re buying, you want to make sure your agent can help get you the most for your money. If you’re selling, you want your agent to help you get the most money possible for your home. Before making a commitment, make sure you know what your agent can do for you.

Taking the time to find the right Realtor may seem like a lot of work, but it is well worth the trouble. The time you put in at the beginning will more than pay off down the road.

Chris Jensen - Ogden Standard-Examiner Saturday, August 15, 2009

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