Monday, September 21, 2009


Living in an eco-friendly, energy
efficient home is not only good for
the environment, but also for our
pocketbook. “Green” homes can save
us money in the long-run, as well as
saving natural resources for our planet.
While the best way to have a green
home is to buy one that was built that
way, there are lots of things you can do
to make your existing home more ecofriendly
– and save you some green at
the same time!

What constitutes a green home? In general, it’s a
home that uses less energy, less natural resources and
fewer toxic chemicals. It may have been constructed
with environmentally sensitive and sustainable building
materials, include eco-friendly furnishings, promote
healthy indoor-air quality, and feature water and energy

So if you want to “regreen” your existing home, where
do you begin? Here are 10 things you can do right now:
Start with an “energy audit.” Homeowners should start
with an energy audit done by their local utility company
or some independent energy consultants. You can also
visit Home Energy Saver, a web-based energy audit site,
at Audits can help pinpoint problem
areas and measure energy savings after you improve your
home’s efficiency.

Put a damper on things. An open damper in a fireplace
can increase energy costs by 30 percent, and attic doors
and dryer vent ducts are notorious energy thieves. The
National Trust for Historic Preservation says the best way
to counteract this is by installing fireplace draft stoppers,
attic door covers, and dryer vent seats that only open
when your dryer is in use.

Become a draft dodger. One of the easiest ways to
save money around the house is to seal off drafts. The
U.S. Department of Energy estimates that this alone
can reduce energy usage 5-30 percent. Keep doors and
windows airtight by weather-stripping or caulking the
cracks. And don’t forget to insulate the attic, basement
and crawl space. About 20 percent of energy costs come
from heat loss in those areas.

Install a programmable thermostat. A programmable
thermostat costs less than $50, is easy to install, and will
pay for itself in one year through energy savings. By
maintaining more constant heating and cooling levels,
and automatically turning down the heat at night, the
average family will save $150 a year, according to the

Paint a masterpiece with healthier paints. Conventional
paints contain solvents, toxic metals and volatile organic
compounds (VOC) that can cause smog, ozone pollution
and indoor air quality problems with negative health
effects. These unhealthy ingredients are released into
the air while you’re painting, while the paint dries and
even after the paints are completely dry. Opt instead
for zero- or low-VOC paint, made by most major paint
manufacturers today.

Fix those leaky faucets. A dripping faucet or pipe joint
can really add up to substantial water waste. One faulty
faucet wastes 3 gallons of water per day, according to the
U.S. Geological Survey. Sometimes a leak is just a matter
of a quick tightening with pliers or a pipe wrench. Other
times a leak may be more complicated. In those cases it
is worth calling a plumber. Not only will you see lower
water bills over time, you decrease the risk of mold, a
serious threat both to home value and indoor air quality.
Install low-flow showerheads and toilets. Older toilets
waste large amounts of water. This is like flushing money
down the drain, no pun intended! More than 30 percent
of indoor residential water comes from toilets. New, lowflow
models now use less than a gallon of water per flush
vs. five gallons on older models. You can also save water
and money, and still have ample water pressure, with
a low-flow showerhead, which can slash bathing-water
consumption 50 to 70 percent.

Let there be (energy-efficient) light. Compact
Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFLs) use 66% less energy than
a standard incandescent bulb and last up to 10 times
longer. Replacing a 100-watt incandescent bulb with a
32-watt CFL can save $30 in energy costs over the life of
the bulb.

Buy Energy Star Appliances. When buying appliances
– anything from dishwashers to refrigerators to ovens –
look for the blue-and-white Energy Star label. It assures
you that the appliance is at least 10 to 50 percent more
efficient than standard models, depending on the type of
product. That means lower energy bills and less pollution.
A home fully equipped with Energy Star products will
use about 30 percent less energy than a typical house,
saving $600 a year. Go to to see
qualified products and learn more.

Don’t forget your yard. You may be surprised, but
planting trees can make a difference in our energy usage.
Evergreen trees on the north and west sides of your house
can block winter winds, and leafy trees on the south and
west side provide shade from the summer sun. And while
we’re on the outside of the house, remember to use light
paint for your home’s exterior. Lighter colors reflect heat
better than darker ones.

Chris Jensen - Ogden Standard-Examiner Saturday, September 5, 2009

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